UPDATE: So excited to find out this card was among the winners! Thanks so much, DCWV, for selecting my card to feature.
In just a few days, Jeff and I will celebrate our 37th wedding anniversary! Our time together has been mostly good. But, there are those times he deserves for me to be mad at him! LOL!
He is such a good man and my best friend. He really is my anchor. He can calm me when no one else can. He helps me make sense of things in life that would crush my soul if he were not at my side.
We've had more fun and adventure than most couples. After all these years, we still have 'date night'. Sometimes we have great philosophical discussions that can go on for hours. And, sometimes we are just quiet together. I love those times. And on occasion, at 3:00 a.m., he will take me out to get a milkshake just because I would like to have one.
He is my biggest supporter when it comes to my writing and cardmaking. I would rather be with him than anyone else on the earth.
There are also those times when we have hurt each other deeply. But, we always manage to find our way to forgiveness. I try every morning to ask myself what can I do today to make his day better.
And, my very favorite thing about Jeff? He never minds when I spend money on my cardmaking projects. Who could ask for anything more!?!
There is still plenty of time left if you want to join in the challenge to make your own card. Here's a link to the rules and a copy of the sketch we had to work with.

Thanks so much for stopping in today and allowing me to go on about my sweet hubby.
May the Lord be glorified by the work of my hands, Pamela