
Research Question

     I'm working on my next book, and I need some help. Thinking back to when you were 5-10 years old, what one wish did you have that you really hoped would come true? Did it come true? Do you still wish for it?
     You can leave your response in the comments here by clicking "comment" below. It will take you to the comment form. If you prefer, you may leave a comment on my Facebook page. I am Pamela Cripps Haskin on Facebook.
     Thanks a million for you help!


Max, the Boy Raindrop and A Deliberate Life

     Just a quick reminder that both of my books, Max, the Boy Raindrop, and A Deliberate Life: A Journey into the Alaskan Wilderness, are available immediately for download on Kindle. Just click on either cover in the right-hand column or below, and it will take you to Amazon. My books are also available at Barnes & Noble or any other website where you normally buy ebooks.
     If you prefer holding a print book while you read, you can get a copy from whatever online or brick-and-mortar bookstore where you normally buy books.
     If you want an autographed copy, send an email to me, and I'll get you set up. My email is also in the right-hand column.
     If you are in Sunray, TX, you can get an autographed copy at Glitzy Lou's.
     Thanks so much for stopping in. Hope you have a great day, Pamela



DCWV Stack-a-holic Card Sketch Challenge

      A post with a card two days in a row! Woohooo! I had  a free day and am spending the entire day in my studio. The day is almost over, but it's been a really fun day of creating.
     I do so enjoy when you stop by to see what I have made.
     Today's card is for the May Stack-a-holic Challenge at DCWV. I used the CHICK CHAT Stack for my card. Even the burlap was included in the stack! I must say I have never liked working with burlap. It unravels and frays terribly. But, just wait until you use this burlap!!! It has a paper backing so it does not fray and it's super easy to adhere to things. So, so happy about that. Thanks a million DCWV people!
     The roses and sentiment tag were also in the stack - well, everything was in the stack. I did a little fussy-cutting here and there and voila - a beautiful, easy card! Oh, I did add my own navy blue matting. I think matting panels really makes them pop.
     Here's the sketch DCWV gave us to work with along with the link to get all the rules. You still have oodles of time to join us. I'll be looking forward to seeing what you create!
     May the Lord be glorified by the work of my hands,



Sketch Challenge ODBDSLC238

     Thanks so much for stopping by today. It feels like forever since I've shared a card here. I've really missed my paper and glue!
     I created this card for the sketch challenge at Our Daily Bread Designs this week.
     I used the following ODBD products:
          paper: Rustic Beauty Collection
          stamps:  Little Things
          dies:  Fancy Foliage
     Here's a close-up of the sentiment tag. I love this quote!
          There are still a few days before the deadline. Why don't you come play with us? Here's the sketch ODBD gave us to work with and the link to the rules.
     May the Lord be glorified by the work of my hands,


DCWV Stack-a-holic Card Challenge, April 2015

Update: Excited to share that my card made it onto the winners list. Thanks so much DCWV!

    Thanks so much for stopping by my blog today. I'm taking a quick break from working on the manuscript for my next book in order to post this card for the latest challenge at DCWV.
    I used The Good Wood Stack from Die Cuts With a View to create my birthday card.
     Designer Tip: The wood patterns I chose to work with got lost on top of each other in my original design. So, I used some basic black cardstock to mat all my panels and geometric shapes to make them pop. It looks so much better.
    Designer Tip: I struggled to get a good picture of my card. I took a lot of photos, but they all looked like a dreary black & white photo. I put colored paper underneath my card, and I finally got some good photos.
     There is still plenty of time if you want to enter your own card in the challenge. Here's a copy of the sketch we had to work with and the address for all the rules.
     May the Lord be glorified by the work of my hands, 


Published in CardMaker Magazine, Summer 2015 Issue

     Thanks for stopping in today. I have a fun sneak peak to share with you today.

      CardMaker magazine is allowing me to give a sneak peak to you from their Summer 2015 issue! So honored they chose one of my cards to publish in this issue.
      If you would like to make my card or learn how to make a shaker-box from product packaging, visit
www.CardMakerMagazine.com to download the Summer issue today or pick up a print edition of CardMaker magazine which will be on your local newsstand.


Fiskafriends Blog Hop Winner

     I have a WINNER! Jennifer Early, you won my giveaway in the Fiskafriends Blog Hop! Thanks so much to everyone who left a comment and/or joined my blog. I'm truly thankful for each of you.
     Congratulations to Jennifer who said:

       Jennifer Earley said...
beautiful cards! Love the flowers and the bible verse! Very touching for Easter. New follower!
Send your mailing info to me at phaskin at Hotmail dot com or PM me on Facebook where I am Pamela Cripps Haskin.