
Happy Anniversary to my DH - DCWV Stack-a-holic Challenge, Dec 2015

UPDATE: So excited to find out this card was among the winners! Thanks so much, DCWV,  for selecting my card to feature.

     Today, I have a card for the Stack-a-holic Challenge at DCWV using the Ocean Breeze Stack. I made this card for my husband.
    In just a few days, Jeff and I will celebrate our 37th wedding anniversary! Our time together has been mostly good. But, there are those times he deserves for me to be mad at him! LOL! 
    He is such a good man and my best friend. He really is my anchor. He can calm me when no one else can. He helps me make sense of things in life that would crush my soul if he were not at my side.
    We've had more fun and adventure than most couples. After all these years, we still have 'date night'. Sometimes we have great philosophical discussions that can go on for hours. And, sometimes we are just quiet together. I love those times. And on occasion, at 3:00 a.m., he will take me out to get a milkshake just because I would like to have one.
     He is my biggest supporter when it comes to my writing and cardmaking. I would rather be with him than anyone else on the earth.
     There are also those times when we have hurt each other deeply. But, we always manage to find our way to forgiveness. I try every morning to ask myself what can I do today to make his day better.
    And, my very favorite thing about Jeff? He never minds when I spend money on my cardmaking projects. Who could ask for  anything more!?!
     There is still plenty of time left if you want to join in the challenge to make your own card. Here's a link to the rules and a copy of the sketch we had to work with.

     Thanks so much for stopping in today and allowing me to go on about my sweet hubby.
     May the Lord be glorified by the work of my hands, Pamela


Religious Christmas Challenge ODBDSLC264

     Today, I'm working on Christmas cards. I submitting this card to the challenge at Our Daily Breads Design.

     The challenge is to create a religious Christmas card. I used the ODBD Sparkling Snowflakes (#EC508) and coordinating die to create my "star".
     First, I heat embossed the snowflake onto blue patterned cardstock from DCWV's DIY Ornaments stack. Then, I die cut it. I printed the sentiment on my computer onto white cardstock because I wanted to use this verse (see inside of card below). I often make my own inside verse. I printed it out on regular copy paper and adhered it inside - kind of like fancy card companies do.
     I fussed with this card a long time. It really needed something else. I tried lots of things, but finally I was happy with the scoring around the white panel. Using a scoring board, I drew a score line 1/4" in around the panel.
     Hope you are having a great day. If you want to join in the fun, check out the rules here: http://www.ourdailybreaddesignsblog.blogspot.com/2015/11/odbdslc264-religious-christmas.html
     May the Lord be glorified by the work of my hands, Pamela


Picture Book Idea Month

     November has been a great month! I participated in Tara Lazar's #PiBoIdMo. The goal of this event was to come up with an idea for a children's picture book every day in November. I did it! That makes me a winner!
     Tara gathered other authors to provide some daily inspiration. I've learned so much and am overflowing with ideas for writing projects. I'm already looking forward to next year's event! 


DCWV Stack-a-holic Challenge, Nov 2015

UPDATESo excited to see my card among the winners!  Check out all the winners here:  http://www.dcwv.com/blog/post/november-stack-a-holic-challenge-the-results

 Thanks so much for stopping in. Hope your day is as sunny as mine. Today, I have a card for the Stack-a-holic Challenge over at DCWV.
         I used the Ocean Breeze Stack from DCWV to create my card this month. I'm always on the lookout for good "man-paper". This stack has lots of them! Although, as you can see, I made a feminine card. Go figure. I just loved this sentiment card that comes in the stack and wanted to use it on my card.
   There is still plenty of time if you want to join in the fun. Here's the link to the rules and a copy of this month's sketch.
    May the Lord be glorified by the work of my hands, Pamela


Double Embossing Challenge ODBDSLC260

     Thanks so much for stopping in. Today, I have a card for the Double Embossing (heat and dry) Challenge over at Our Daily Bread Designs.
     My favorite technique has always been heat-embossing. I find it adds that extra touch that gives a more professional finish to my cards. I heat-embossed the sentiment (ODBD - Little Things - #D298) on my card. I used a matching moss green pigment (ColorBox) and clear Super Fine Detail embossing powder (Ranger). I highly recommend using the super fine powders for small lettering like on this stamp. You will get a much better result.
     For the dry embossing, I used a honeycomb embossing folder (the Paper Studio). The  moss green and soft orange cardstock (The Home Spun Stack DCWC) came already embossed with lines. I embossed over that giving a more complex look to my top panel. I added a small strip of the green under the top panels balance to the card.
     I die-cut the circles (Picot Edge Circles-Spellbinders), then  heat-embossed the sentiment on one and added a few green gems.
     There are still a few days left before the deadline if you want to join in the fun. Here's the link to the rules: http://www.ourdailybreaddesignsblog.blogspot.com/2015/10/odbdslc260-double-embossing-heat-and-dry.html


DCWV Stack-a-holic Card Challenge, Oct 2015

UPDATE: So excited to have my card among the list of winners! Thanks so much DCWV!
    Thanks so much for stopping in today. Hope your day is off to a good start. Mine is sunny and bright after 10.2" rain in two days. So thankful for the rain.
     Today, I have a card for the DCWV Stack-a-holic Challenge. I used the Happy Day Stack for my card. It's a new stack and I love every sheet of it.
     Was not sure I would be able to play this month. I spent the last several weeks with Mom who is in a nursing home. She is really struggling, so to those friends of mine who pray, will you lift her up to the Lord today? I can feel your prayers already. Love you all so much. I digress . . .
     There are still a couple of days to join in on all the fun. Here's the link to the rules and a copy of the sketch we had to work with.
     May the Lord be glorified by the work of my hands,


Published in CardMaker Magazine, Winter 2015 Issue

     I am so honored that CardMaker Magazine chose to publish one of my cards in the Winter 2015 issue.
      If you would like to make my card, you can visit www.CardMakerMagazine.com/ to download the Winter 2015 issue today or pick up a print edition of CardMaker magazine which will be on your local newsstand.